15 Month Mila Update + Schedule

It’s about time for another Mila update, right?! I think the last one I did was for 11 months so I thought I would let you know what she’s been up to and what our current schedule is with her!

By the way, THANK YOU to all of you who read or reached out to me about the new series I launched yesterday! I am really excited to start sharing different posts with you that fall into the ‘Body After Baby’ series and as always would love your feedback!

15 month baby girl baby teepee 15 month baby girl baby teepee

15 Month Mila Update

A lot has happened over the last few months. When I sit down to write these Mila updates it’s always hard for me to pin point changes but I honestly feel like something changes every day. She just seems so grown up all of a sudden. I know that probably sounds ridiculous considering she is only 15 months old… but there is a very visible difference in how she carries herself now. She’s so much more aware.

These pictures were actually taken back in October. We were going to have this teepee setup for her first birthday party but it was so muddy outside from the rain we decided not to do it. I’m glad we made it happen another day to take these pictures. By the way, trying to get a one year old to sit still in a tent for a photo is no easy task lol. Especially with Leo there, all she wanted was his tennis ball (as you can tell from some of these pictures…).

My mom found this teepee at Walmart of all places for a really good price and then bought fake flowers and greenery and hot glued them onto it. I threw in a few pillows I bought at Homegoods and that was it! One day when we move into a bigger house I will definitely want to have this little baby teepee in her room or a playroom to hang out in and read.

Baby Teepee Photos Details


15 month baby girl baby teepee 15 month baby girl baby teepee 15 month baby girl baby teepee

What’s New With Miss Mila Shai?

Before I get into the schedule we’ve had her on lately, here are a few new things with Mila and toys she’s been loving!

I swear she understands so much of what we say. She’s been trying to talk a lot more and says words in English, Spanish and Hebrew. I was a little worried we would confuse her with all of the different languages but everything I read says they understand the difference and this is the time to do it. Her favorite thing to say right now is “owl” because that is her favorite stuffed animal… my mom got it for her along with this book and it’s so sweet! She literally wakes up and says, “mama? dada? Owl?” lol. And then she might even throw in a “shhh” which is basically what she calls Leo. She has not tried to say Leo but anytime we reference him she says, “shh” ha! He’s always barking and we’re constantly shushing him so I can see why she thinks that’s his name!

Some other words she likes to say are tractor (there’s one in my parents backyard), vacuum, agua (water in spanish), nana (usually referencing bananas or Moana ha), blue (working on other colors), turtle, for “Sheep” and “shoes” she says “osh”… anyway she says several and I feel like she’s saying something new every day! I swear if I don’t write it down I’ll forget all of this so I’m sorry for all of the random details!

She loves puzzles. The last week or two they have really started to click with her. She puts the pieces in the right places and doesn’t try to chew on them like she did a month or so ago. She loves the musical instrument one and acts out the instruments once she puts them in the right place. She’s become really into guitars too. Anytime we’re at my parents she will gesture her hands like she’s playing the guitar and that’s basically her way of telling my dad, “go get your guitar and play me some music” ha.

She also still loves her cups. Taking them apart, putting them back together (not always in order) and trying to stack them. It’s amazing how the simplest things can keep them so entertained and stimulate their brains!

She’s also been dancing and singing. It’s the sweetest thing. She’ll start moving to music and bouncing around. Every now and then she’ll try to sing and it’s the sweetest sound ever. We added a couple of Avett Brothers music videos to her nighttime routine and they seriously hypnotize her. I swear she loves them because she always sits still while they’re on.

I told you she’s walking right? She started walking a couple of weeks after her first birthday. It was the most exciting moment and she was so excited she did it and couldn’t control her laughter! Now she is running! Or trying to at least… she definitely wipes out and falls on her butt a 100 times a day but she rarely cries and not much seems to phase her. I think I have a tough girl on my hands!

15 month baby girl baby teepee 15 month baby girl baby teepee 15 month baby girl baby teepee

Mila’s Current Schedule – 15 Month Baby Schedule

Ok but enough random information about Mila… here is the current schedule we have her on. She is still sleeping from 7pm-7am. The schedule can fluctuate 30 minutes to an hour and some days she has skipped her afternoon nap. It really just depends what we have going on. I don’t think she is quite ready to go to one nap yet but I will probably try to wean her off the bottle. We’re down to just two a day (one when she wakes up and one before bed) so that’s a big difference from a few months ago!

Let me know if you have any questions!

7:00/7:30 Wake up – 8 oz bottle of milk

Play – usually she’s pretty chill in the morning

8:00/8:30 Breakfast – some regular breakfast items we give her are scrambled eggs, banana, avocado, oatmeal and on occasion, pancakes!


9:30/10:00 NAP

11:30 Wake Up

12:00 Lunch


2:30 NAP

4:00/4:30 Wake Up *if she wakes up early we give her a snack

5:00 Dinner


6:00 Bath

6:30 8 oz bottle of milk and watches her bedtime videos (twinkle twinkle, Snowflake… Moana, Avett Brothers)

7:00 Bedtime!

Leave a comment with any questions you have!

Thanks for reading!

The Fashion Hour Blog

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  1. 1.23.19
    Anonymous said:

    Your daughter is the cutest!! Thank you for sharing her schedule!! ❤️❤️❤️

    • 1.27.19
      Natalie said:

      Aw thank you so much!! <3 And you are so welcome! Always feel free to reach out if you have any questions!!