4 Month Mila Update

Oh my gosh guys can you believe it?! Mila is already over 4 months old! I seriously cannot believe how fast time has flown by. I figured it was about time I update you on what our little bundle of joy has been up to these days!

  1. Being cute. Yes, it seems like an impossible job but she manages to do it 24/7. I don’t think there has been a moment we weren’t fawning over her… terrible I know but WE CAN’T HELP IT! #sorrynotsorry
  2. Pooping. Lotssss of poop going on over here the last 4 months. Ita is constantly telling her she won “Pooper of the Year” and will make up acceptance speeches for her while he changes her diaper lol.

OK, OK I’ll be a little more serious now… and share a few pictures, of course. By the way these were taken when she was closer to 3 months!

4 month baby update

Some of Mila’s favorite things:


  1. Taking baths. This girl loves the water! We were so happy she seemed to like her first bath and every one since then she seems to love more. We use the 4Moms bath tub (it shows the temperature of the water which is super helpful!) and she has started kicking her little legs in it so much. I cannot wait to get this girl in a pool!
  2. Smiling. She always has a smile on her face! I swear I just look at her a certain way and she’ll give me a smile. It’s the sweetest thing. She’s even started laughing and it seriously makes my heart want to explode.
  3. Dancing with her daddy. At the beginning I had to constantly tell Ita to pump the brakes with his dancing. He’d go from swaying her gently to shaking it a little too hard/borderline twerking lol. I think she loves moving around the house with him and listening to music!
  4. Reading books. We started reading books to her more often as of late and she seems to really be engaged. Her eyes will get really big and she’ll sometimes start kicking her little legs with excitement. She even started turning the page herself… I know that sounds ridiculous but I swear she has been doing it every time now! Ita is really good about reading to her every day. It’s so cute seeing him lay on the floor and read to her!
  5. Playing on her Skiphop activity gym or chilling in her rocker/swing looking at the mobile. She has been reaching for her little toys a lot more now and sticking everything in her mouth!
  6. Car rides. When we put her in her car seat and start driving she will just stare out the window with her mouth open. It’s like she is just trying to take in everything passing by her. I’m sure the vibration of the car is pretty relaxing to her too!

4 month baby update 4 month baby update

Some other updates…

We think she is teething. She’s been drooling up a storm the last few weeks and the last week or two she constantly has her fingers in her mouth or is chewing on her teether (I give her this Bella Tunno one).

We had our 4 month checkup last week and girlfriend is in the 70th percentile for height and weight! She has consistently been in the 65-80 range which is kind of funny considering her parents are not the tallest/biggest people in the world. I was a really big baby so I’m guessing she gets it from me!

As you could probably guess from the above information, she has been eating well. I am still exclusively breastfeeding which has been such a blessing. I can honestly say this has been my favorite part of motherhood and my favorite thing to do with Mila. With how often you have to feed a newborn I figured nursing would become a chore and I’d start to feel a little like a cow. I’m not saying it hasn’t been difficult at times when I’m beyond exhausted and she’s wanting to nurse for what seems to be nonstop (that happened a lot in the first 2 months) but I really look forward to all of her feedings. I know those moments will not last forever and I truly am cherishing every single one of them. I feel a stronger bond with her every day. I know not everyone chooses to breastfeed and not everyone is able to breastfeed. I am doing things to try to ensure I am able to continue producing milk for her (like occasionally eating these lactation cookies I made) so let me know if you’d like to see a post on that.

Mila has been such a good napper and sleeping pretty well at night. Once we implemented some sort of a routine with her we noticed an immediate difference. She napped better, seemed more alert when she was awake, she just really seemed to thrive once on somewhat of a schedule (I want to say it was around 6 weeks we tried to have more of a routine). We put her down for naps and bedtime awake and she is able to put herself to sleep. It’s been this way for a while (which we are really grateful for!) and I think a lot of it has to do with the SNOO combined with us trying to put her down for naps “sleepy” instead of actually asleep. I REALLY don’t want to jinx this (I’m sure I will…) but she doesn’t really fuss. And if she does, it’s been easy to identify what the problem is (again I think this is because of the schedule). Just this last week she had a couple of nights where she was waking up A LOT more than usual which I’m guessing is what everyone calls 4 month sleep regression? I’ll report back and let you know how things go. 🙂

Basically she is an angel and we are obsessed with spending every second with her. I could ramble on about her all day (clearly I already have…) but if you have any specific questions let me know in the comments!

SIDE NOTE and EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT: I started a private Facebook group! I created it so we could have a way to connect on a more regular basis and hopefully it will be a place where you can ask questions, get advice and connect with other women to chat about anything and everything! If you’d like to join, CLICK HERE!

Thank you so much for reading!

The Fashion Hour Blog

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  1. 2.28.18
    Hilary Gerard said:

    Do you mind sharing what your schedule was for Mila starting at 6-Weeks? Our son will be 6-Weeks at the end of the week and we’ve been talking about needing to establish more of a regular routine with him, interested to hear what yours looked like.

    Love all the Mila posts and updates! With a baby so close to her age it’s been nice to hear about someone else’s experiences and tips!


    • 3.18.18
      Natalie said:

      I am SO SORRY for the late response. I have not been able to update the blog as much as I want to lately so I’m sorry I haven’t been able to get a post up about her schedule! I will say we have been loosely following Babywise. Basically once she wakes up we feed, change her diaper and play. Then once we see sleepy cues like rubbing her eyes, we will put her down for a nap. Once she wakes up we start the process all over again. The book has recommendations for “awake time” but now that she’s 5 months she stays awake 1.5-2 hours at a time. Supposedly if you feed every 3 hours and your baby gets good naps in during the day that will help them sleep better through the night! Mila has been a really good napper and sleeper but she still wakes up at least once at night. Around 6 weeks she definitely had times where she wanted to eat all. the. time. It happened a lot in the evenings too. I personally think it’s fine to feed your baby a lot in the evening (I think cluster feedings can be pretty common for babies that young!) that way their tummies are hopefully more full and they sleep longer at night. I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions! Things obviously aren’t perfect over here but Mila has been a pretty good napper and falls asleep on her own from pretty close to the beginning!

      • 3.25.18
        Hilary said:

        Thank you!! This is helpful and mimics a lot of what we are already doing which is great to hear! We’ve been lucky with a pretty good sleeper too but can definitely sympathize with having an extra hungry baby – he loves to eat. Haha! Save travels to Israel and thanks for always sharing about your experiences as a working mom! I love following along 🙂