54 Things To Do At Home With A Toddler!

With everything going on right now most of us are spending a lot more time at home than usual. As hard as this all is on so many people I personally haven’t felt panicked or stressed out about staying home. I feel really lucky that me and Ita both work for ourselves and have the ability to stay home with Mila and we definitely don’t take that for granted. While the future and end to all of this is still uncertain, I’ve been taking it a day at a time and cherishing these moments together and trying to make the most of it. If you have little ones and are looking for things to do at home with a toddler, look through the list of 54 ideas I created below! I am sure there are plenty more ideas out there so I would love for you to comment with any ideas you have that we can add to this list. Let’s try to look at this extra family time as a gift and make the most of it! And to those of you still having to go into work and balance it all, I’m thinking of you!

things to do at home with a toddler

Be sure to check out all of the product links below my list – they’re all Amazon and should be available for free prime shipping!

These are in no particular order and just random fun things to do at home with a toddler! Some we do all the time and some will be brand new to us. I’ll share on Instagram Stories as we do them and what Mila loved most so be sure to check there for updates! 

54 Things to Do at Home with a Toddler

  1. Legos
  2. Puzzles
  3. Flash cards
  4. Color
  5. Easel/White board drawing 
  6. Indoor soccer and basketball (Mila loves this goal she got at Christmas!)
  7. Read!
  8. Play with instruments – she has this little piano, a harmonica and microphone. Pretend you’re a band! If you don’t have instruments, use spoons and pots and pans! πŸ™‚
  9. Dance party! We dance to music in the living room pretty much every day!
  10. Go on walks
  11. Have a picnic (once it stops raining) or set one up in your living room! We do this for lunch a lot and she loves it.
  12. Bake! We baked and decorated cupcakes together yesterday and Mila loved it. Check out my Pinterest for more recipe ideas!
  13. Have your little one help you cook dinner. Give them simple responsibilities (or just have them watch) so they feel part of helping to make it. I might order Mila one of these chef’s hats or costumes!
  14. Watch some new movies (you guys know we’ve watched the old and new Mary poppins 100 times, a lot of toy story, Moana and frozen… so we’re gonna branch out this week) ? today we watched Cinderella and she loved it! ☺️
  15. Sensory games – I’m not an expert at this but have been looking on Pinterest!
  16. Practice numbers and the alphabet 
  17. Draw with chalk on the driveway
  18. Practice Spanish and Hebrew
  19. Build a fort in the living room with boxes or hang a sheet like a tent to play in then snuggle and watch movies ?
  20. Exercise together! We’ve been looking up Yoga for kids and exercise videos for toddlers on Youtube to do together.
  21. Play “I Spy” – this may be harder since Mila is only 2 but I think we can make it fun and easy for her!
  22. Bust out a new toy – I got her this sink months ago but never gave it to her so I’ll be breaking this out in a few days if she gets restless or bored with what we’ve been doing.
  23. Hide and seek
  24. Bike ride – she loves this one we got her!
  25. Chores/clean – of course make it fun to help! Mila loves to sweep!
  26. Start Potty Training! If you feel like your toddler may be ready to start potty training why not start now when you’ll be home 24/7? I’ve heard great things about the books below but just ordered the “Oh Crap!” One lol
  27. Have a “surprise visitor” – it’s obvious we won’t be having people over at least the next couple of weeks so why not order a new stuffed animal or toy surprise for your little one! Whether it’s Olaf or Minnie Mouse or Buzz, having a “surprise guest” show up at the door could be a fun surprise for your babe!
  28. Let your little one paint your nails! I’m ordering this non-toxic kids nail polish for us to play with!
  29. Get ready with mommy – this cute toddler makeup set seems like something Mila would love since she’s always trying to put on my makeup! I think it’d be fun to give each other makeovers. πŸ™‚
  30. Play dress up! Whether it be in your clothes or order princess costumes off Amazon!
  31. Paint Rocks – this sounds silly but I saw Paint Pens for rocks on Amazon (that you can use on other things too) and thought it could be fun to get outside with mess free paint!
  32. Play with sand! But the non-messy kind. I’ll be trying this out!
  33. Finger Paint – Mila does this at school and loves it so I thought it’d be fun to do at home too.
  34. Bubbles. Kids just love bubbles and I swear never get tired of them lol.
  35. Speaking of bubbles, why not do a bubble bath to make bath time extra fun!
  36. Color in the bath tub! Mila loves these crayons and drawing on the tub and tile!
  37. Play Simon Says
  38. Set up a bowling alley in your hallway. Get creative with plastic bottles and any ball you have already at home!
  39. FaceTime family members! Call grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, friends, etc. 
  40. Make cards for family members or service members, doctors, nurses, etc.
  41. Play with Play-dough! This is actually something we’ve never done at home so I’m going to order some tonight! 
  42. Take an empty quaker oats container and cut a slit in the top then let your toddler put cards through it! This can also be done with Kleenex boxes and you can cut different size slits and use different objects!
  43. Mini Trampoline to get the energy out. I’m thinking about ordering this. Anyone have it and love it?
  44. Staring contest. Yes this will occupy about 10 minutes of your day only but Ita and Mila did it yesterday and she thought it was the funniest thing ever!
  45. Ring Around the Rosey
  46. Duck Duck Goose
  47. Contact Paper! I came across this idea on Pinterest and am so excited to try it! Put contact paper on a window then have your toddler stick different things to it! You could draw a picture and have them decorate it or let them get creative on their own. 
  48. Take objects in different colors (like little pom poms) and have your toddler separate them by color. Use these tools to make it extra fun. Can do the same with shapes!
  49. Slime! We’ve never made it but will probably end up trying it!
  50. Draw big shapes, letters or numbers on big pieces of paper and tape to the floor. Call out different ones where your toddler has to stand on it.
  51. Make “jewelry”! Take yarn and string pasta onto it.
  52. Have a tea party! Mila loves this teapot.
  53. Practice cutting paper, play-dough, etc. with plastic scissors (age appropriate ones of course!)
  54. FLY A KITE! How did I almost leave this out? If it’s a nice day try and fly a kite outside! I know Mila will be so excited when we finally get to do this. And if you haven’t already, watch Mary Poppins with your kids. πŸ™‚








I am sure I could come up with other things to add to this list but hopefully this is a great starting point! I would LOVE to hear any ideas you have in the comments for things to do with a toddler at home. I’m still learning as Mila is our first child so I know there is a whole world of fun ideas out there we haven’t tried. Hopefully this will help pass the time at home and create an environment that promotes learning and having fun!

*Read more Motherhood posts here!*

Stay safe and thanks for reading!

The Fashion Hour Blog

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  1. 6.26.20
    Diana said:

    We love to make koolaide playdough (google it, so easy, so soft and not toxic:)). Also, reminder to check out the balance bikes;) Great meeting you at the park today!!

    • 7.1.20
      Natalie said:

      That is such a good idea!! Definitely going to look that up along with the balance bike! So great meeting you too!! πŸ™‚