7 Things You May Not Know About Me and Ita

It’s hard to believe it but Ita and I are about to celebrate our 7th year of being married! Time has flown by and I feel like it was just yesterday we were in college playing soccer. I thought it would be fun to share a few things you may not know about us since I’ve never really shared much personal information about our relationship!

 couples photoshoot on lake

Before we dive into the fun facts I have to note that we took these pictures at the same place we took our engagement photos almost eight years ago (aww). We took some snacks and drinks to have a little picnic on the pier but didn’t quite make it on a sailboat like I hoped. We were definitely prepared for it though in our classic Sperry boat shoes which are crazy comfortable. I wore them for hours with no issue and can see why so many people love them. I love this Sahara Leather color but they also come in six other colors! Sperry has tons of other shoe styles on their site (I actually just helped my mom buy this pair the other day) and I am currently eyeing this pair  and this pair! I’m sharing several other pairs I love at the bottom of this post!

7 Things You May Not Know About Me and Ita

  1. How We Met

Ita and I attended West Texas A&M University and were both soccer players. We were both in relationships when we met and it wasn’t exactly love at first sight. My first day on campus I got a tour of our athletic facility and met Ita while my guide was showing me the training room. He was sitting in an ice bath in his underwear (this is a pretty common thing to do during preseason for soccer players) as confident as can be. I remember thinking he was nice but no sparks were flying quite yet (sorry Ita). 🙂 

2. When We Started Dating

Each of our relationships ended around the same time my freshman year but we didn’t start dating until the second semester. I had just gotten out of a very serious relationship and wanted to be single for a while. My roommate at the time kept trying to convince me to go on a date with Ita but I honestly fought it for a long time lol. Ita was quite persistent and eventually convinced me to go to a movie with him. We kept it casual for a while but ended up talking on the phone 24/7 that summer while he was back home in Israel.

3. The First Time He Met My Family

I will never forget the first time he met my family. He came in town a few days before we had to head to preseason for my birthday/going back to college party at my parents house. My mom is Cuban so for big celebrations we would roast a pig and have tons of Cuban food. Well, Ita is from Israel and doesn’t eat pork… or ham or bacon or any other part of a pig because he’s Jewish. For the party my dad had put the fully roasted pig on the bar and decked it out with sunglasses, an apple in its mouth and olives for eyes. When Ita walked in the door that was the first thing he saw and he immediately laughed and said to my dad and the rest of my family, “if you’re trying to tell me something just say it!” Everyone laughed and I think from that moment on they knew he would fit in.


4. We’ve Been Together 12 Years

It’s crazy to think we have been together for 12 years! We moved in together during college and got engaged about a year after we graduated. We dated for almost 5 years before getting engaged!

5. We Had Two Weddings

Yes! Two weddings! Ita is from Israel so all of his friends and family are in Israel. Israel isn’t exactly a short flight from Dallas so we made the decision to have a wedding here in Dallas then a month later go to Israel to have a wedding there. I know what you’re thinking… which one was better? They were both amazing but I honestly preferred the Israeli wedding! I think because I was able to truly enjoy the wedding and wasn’t stressed about all of the little details. His best friend married us which was very special and we danced until 4:00 in the morning. Israelis definitely know how to have a good time!

6. We Celebrate Every Holiday

It’s basically a holiday every other week in our house. We celebrate every holiday and we celebrate both wedding anniversaries. I always tease Ita that he has to buy me a present for both but we usually just end up going out to dinner or doing something special at home. On our Israeli wedding anniversary we always watch our wedding video. 🙂

7. We visit Israel Every Year

I’m starting to lose count the number of times I’ve visited Israel. I think I’ve been seven times now? My first trip I stayed for 6 weeks but the last couple of years we stay for 2 weeks or so because of my job’s vacation time. I love it there so much and highly recommend visiting if you have the chance! If you ever have any questions or need recommendations feel free to email me but I plan on doing a blog post on Israel after our next visit (most likely September)!

I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about our relationship! Be sure to check out my Instagram for a chance to win TWO pairs of Sperry’s! Here are some other styles I love that are perfect for spring and summer!

Thanks for reading!


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Thank you to Sperry for sponsoring this post! As always opinions are my own!




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