8 Month Mila Update

Hey y’all! Mila turned 8 months old today so I figured I would share a little Mila update! At the pace I’m going lately you’re only getting a Mila update every 4 months… (see 4 month update here and birth story here).

8 month baby update baby tutu

8 Month Mila Update

I feel like so much changes DAILY with her so I am trying to wrap my head around all that has gone on the last few months! First off, it is incredible to see how much more aware she has been the last few months. We always felt like she was pretty bright eyed and always looking around but now you can really tell she is just taking in everything and really trying to understand what’s going on around her. She is such a happy baby and always smiling! I take her with me to run errands, hang out with friends, etc. and she just goes with the flow and tries to smile at anyone who passes by her. I swear when people walk by her and don’t look at her she is genuinely confused… like “why is this person not wanting to play with me?” ha. It’s so cute.

Some other big things that have gone on the last few months…

8 month baby girl baby tutu

She is sleeping through the night!

Yay! She’s been sleeping through the night for a while now (I think around 4.5 months old) and sleeps 10-12 hours (usually 7pm-7am give or take an hour). She really has always been a good sleeper. She would wake up once a night really hungry, feed, then go right back to sleep. One day it was like a switch flipped and she just started sleeping through the night. We have been sticking to a schedule with her which has been really helpful and worked really well for us. I think the reason she never cries and rarely fusses is because of the schedule. I can share that in another post if you’re interested!

She has two teeth!

They are right in the middle on the bottom and the cutest things ever. Whenever she giggles or gives a big gummy smile it is the cutest thing seeing them stick out! It was clear to us when she was teething because she was fussier than usual but she really never got that fussy. She didn’t cry or seem to be in too much pain. We use a few different teethers with her and I used this Punkin Butt oil (it’s natural) on her just a few times. A few teethers we like are from Milkmaid Goods (really cute cactus and unicorn ones!), The First Years fruit one and this banana teether from Target. I also used these Boon silicone feeders and just froze water in them so she could such on them for relief!

She’s crawling!

She had rocking back and forth for a while and pulling herself all over the place but a few weeks ago she officially started crawling and now she’s all over the place! I am already noticing how big of a game changer it is now that she’s on the move… I can only imagine once she starts walking we will really be chasing her around!

She’s more aware of Leo.

She is always looking at him and trying to pet him. And by pet I mean grab him which I’m obviously watching very closely and right there anytime she’s that close to him. Not that I don’t trust Leo but he’s a big dog and accidents can happen. Here recently she has been crawling after his toys and tried to climb into his dog bed! I swear sometimes she could care less about all of her little toys and just wants his tennis ball, ha!

She loves swimming!

Yes, she is a little fish. She was a little hesitant the first time she got in the pool but I think it’s because it was too cold. Now she gets so excited and will literally throw her arms to splash and kick her legs! I cannot wait to get her back to the beach!

She’s eating solids.

She gets so excited for food (just like her mama) and it is so much fun feeding her sweet potatoes and bananas etc. It is usually a huge mess but she loves it and tries to feed herself (she grabs the spoon and everything). A lot of food just ends up on her instead of in her mouth but it’s all good.

I had to stop breastfeeding.

I’m pretty bummed about this. If I’m being honest I really thought I would go a year breastfeeding her. When we went to the Dominican Republic in May I forgot my pump, tried to use a crummy one we bought in D.R. and it didn’t work out so well. It’s kind of crazy how quickly our bodies realize they don’t need to produce milk anymore. I tried to get it going again once I was back in town but was unsuccessful so we’ve been sticking to formula and some solids. As much as I know it was good for Mila to be breastfed I am going to miss that bonding time between us the most. I didn’t realize the last time I breastfed her would be the last so it just makes me a little sad to know it’s over. I know there are plenty of women who don’t or couldn’t breastfeed and there are plenty of other ways to bond but it weighed heavily on me for a while that I didn’t do enough and that it was my fault.

8 month baby girl baby tutu 8 month baby girl baby tutu  

On a happier note how cute are these photos of Mila?! We snapped them on a recent trip to Austin (I had to go for work and had Ita and Mila come with!) and I just adore the little tutu outfit she is wearing from I love plum! They were so sweet to send it to her and I definitely see myself ordering more from them in the future! They have really cute special occasion headbands too! You can get my white dress HERE!

I am sure there is so much I’m leaving out of this 8 month update but as always let me know if you have any questions or if there are any posts you want me to write! In all honesty it’s been really hard for me to balance everything (blog, job, mom, wife, social life…). I truly wish I could dedicate more of my time to this blog and am working really hard to be better about time management and get some help around the house as well. With as busy as I am I couldn’t do any of it without my husband. He is amazing in so many ways and always encourages me.

Not sure how I got so sidetracked but I hope you enjoyed this little 8 month Mila update! I have a couple of new posts coming up so check back soon or subscribe to my newsletter!

Thanks for reading!

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Photos by: Divina Stennfeld 




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