Is that How Much I Think it is?

Ann Taylor Loft Final Sale

No, your eyesight is not failing you. That tag says $1.88 for a beautiful tweed Ann Taylor LOFT skirt. Don’t feel bad, I thought the same thing when looking at the price tag first glance. I mean is it actually possible a piece of clothing could cost less than a soda from the gas station? And we’re not talking a little tank top here- these are quality items that are not only made well, they’re really cute too. I always stop in LOFT to skim their sale racks for good work (and sometimes play) clothes. You can only imagine my excitement once I realized there was an entire rack full of “final sale” items marked down to the record-setting $1.88. ONE DOLLAR AND EIGHTY EIGHT CENTS! I have had my fair share of amazing deals but this has to be a personal best. I found a tweed skirt (similar here), a navy and red striped A-line skirt (online here), and super comfy “girlfriend chinos” in a pretty mauve color (similar here), all for a whopping $6.11!!!! These three items together retail at over $200 meaning I paid about 3% of the original price (definitely my personal best)!! So skip your pumpkin spice latte this afternoon in exchange for a few new pieces at LOFT before it’s all gone!

Ann Taylor LOFT sale clothing Ann Taylor LOFT Sale




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  1. 11.14.13

    Amazed!! And slightly jealous. Good finds! 😉

  2. 11.17.13

    Haha thank you!