I don’t know about you but this time of year I really start craving a vacation. I love the beach and could not be more excited to be headed to Punta Mita, Mexico with a few girlfriends this weekend! I have a few other tentative trips planned but am also brainstorming more places for me, Ita and Mila to go. I know it’s not the easiest traveling with a toddler but I don’t want that to hold us back from experiencing new places and making memories together.

I thought it would be fun to share some of the trips we have planned the next few months along with a few places on my list to visit! Scroll down to read and let me know what places are at the top of your list!

going places tee 2019 travel plans

“Fill your life with adventures, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.”



I am so excited for this trip! We are staying at the most incredible villa. I’ll be sharing lots of our trip on Instagram then do a full blog post once we’re back!


I think I’ve been to Mexico a dozen times but I’ve never been to Cabo! We always went to Cancun or Playa del Carmen… or Tulum. Never west. Me, Ita and Mila are planning on going this spring and we’re still trying to decide on where to stay. If you have a favorite resort let me know! I can’t wait to get Mila back to the beach. šŸ™‚


So this one may stick out a little lol. Ita and I are going to New Braunfels for a concert in May and have no idea where we’re staying. I’m thinking there’s bound to be a cute bed and breakfast somewhere?


We’ve had this on our list for a while but we’re going to stay a few days in the hill country once it warms up. There’s a place out there that has a few gorgeous homes that are basically safari tents… it’s right on the river and we’ve been trying to make this trip happen for close to a year. I’ll share more details once we go but I can’t wait. Definitely a road trip we’re excited about!


I visited 30A last year around my birthday with my family and we rented a house on the beach (just realized I never posted about it on here – sorry!). I visited Destin and Seaside quite a bit growing up but never really spent much time in the “30A” area. It is SO cute and there are so many adorable beach towns to explore. Beautiful beaches, great restaurants… a little pricey but a great place for a family vacation. I might be heading back with a couple girlfriends in May if I can swing it with work and all of the other stuff I have going on. I’ll probably see how I do being away from Mila for this upcoming trip to Mexico because I honestly hate leaving her. Just thinking about it makes my heart heavy!


I haven’t decided if I’m going to fashion week in September but I will be going to New York in May for a blog related opportunity. It will be a VERY short trip but I am excited to share it with you soon!


If you’re new here, my husband is from Israel and we pretty much visit every year. His entire side of the family lives there along with all of his friends so we try to visit at least once a year. It is such a special, beautiful country that I highly recommend visiting if you get the chance. Tel Aviv is by far one of my favorite cities I’ve ever visited and is like no other place you’ll experience in the world. Ita’s family lives closer to Haifa and most of his friends live in Tel Aviv so we usually split time between the two (they’re only about an hour and a half away from each other). Our last trip Mila was only a few months old so there wasn’t much going out but I’m thinking this time around we may leave her with the grandparents a night or two!


going places tee 2019 travel plansgoing places tee 2019 travel plans


Since Israel is so far away I always tell Ita I want to stop in Europe on the way there or the way back. One time we spent a few days in Spain (Madrid and Barcelona), went to Denmark a couple of times (some of our best friends live there) and another time we went to Greece (this blog post is from five years ago so don’t judge lol)… I need to start figuring out where we can spend a few days this next trip! I think the top of my list right now is Paris or somewhere in Italy… I’ve never been to either one and am dying to go. There are so many places in Europe I want to visit. If you have any countries or cities you especially loved let me know in the comments! Here are some other places I would love to visit!


Probably number one on the list. We had to postpone this trip once we found out I was pregnant with Mila due to the Zika virus. My mom is Cuban and I am so looking forward to seeing where she lived and all of the history of our family that I’ve heard so much about one day. We want to do this trip with my family so they can show us around (where they grew up… the copper mines they owned… etc.) and we think it might not be best to do with Mila this young. Hoping we can do it sooner than later but TBD for now!


I already mentioned it but I think I could easily spend a few weeks there exploring all of the different cities. My parents went a few years ago and it all looked so amazing! Definitely a country I hope to visit very soon.


My husband has the best things to say about the time he spent in Thailand. The beaches look incredible and I hope it’s a place the three of us can go one day!


My father-in-law is Moroccan and I know my husband would love to take him on a trip back one day. It would be amazing to see where he lived and how he grew up.


Disneyland. Disney World. Either one I don’t care. I know Mila is “too young” and won’t remember but I also know she would have the time of her LIFE and we would have so much fun together. I seriously can just picture the joy on her face seeing Minnie Mouse and some of these characters in real life. Can’t wait for this family trip one day!


This is definitely an area I’d love to visit! It looks like the cutest town and I’ve heard such great things about it!

I think I could go on forever with places I want to visit so I will end it here for now! So many beautiful places to visit in this world and cultures to experience! Let me know in the comments what destination is at the top of your list and any I should add to my own list! šŸ™‚

Thanks for reading!


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Photos by: Angie Garcia




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  1. 3.19.19

    We are planning to take Haddie to Disney World next year during the last month that shes still 2 bc kids under 3 are free!! They even eat free! I feel the same as you – while she won’t remember, she will love it, and WE will remember!!

    • 3.19.19
      Natalie said:

      Omg that is so smart and I didn’t realize they eat for free too!! Definitely making a mental note of that bc I am dying to take Mila there! I think the memories you’ll make there will be priceless. So fun!

  2. 3.19.19

    These pics are so cute x enjoy your travels !

    • 3.19.19
      Natalie said:

      Thank you so much!! So glad you like them šŸ™‚

  3. 3.19.19
    IC said:

    Iā€™m from Hungary, but live in DFW area. I highly recommend Hungary, especially Budapest during a summer. Budapest is the most beautiful city in the world! Check that out! šŸ™‚

    • 3.19.19
      Natalie said:

      Omg we’ve almost gone to Budapest a few times while in Israel!! My husband’s parents and friends who have been have the best things to say about it. Definitely a place we hope to visit in the next few years!! You’ll have to give me all of your recommendations when we do šŸ˜‰