Thank you to Huggies® for sponsoring this post. As always opinions are my own!
I am certain when you become a parent your heart grows a little bit and your body takes on another level of love you weren’t capable of before. There is something so indescribable about those first days with your baby and the connection you feel with one another. There is also another level of stress and worry that comes along… “am I holding her right? Is she hungry? Maybe she needs her diaper changed… can you tell if she’s breathing? I can’t tell… maybe we should wake her up just in case…†Becoming a parent is HUGE and while there is so much to worry about, there are a lot of things I have the privilege of not worrying about… like being able to put a fresh diaper on Mila.
Huggies x National Diaper Needs Awareness Week
This month I am partnering with Huggies® to help families in need. This week is National Diaper Needs Awareness Week, and 1 in 3 U.S. families struggle to provide enough clean diapers for their baby. And of those parents in diaper need, 3 in 5 report missing work or school because they lack the diapers required to place their child in daycare… I found these statistics to be incredibly alarming and wanted to do everything I could to help. Huggies will be donating 2 DAYS’ worth of diapers, up to 1,000,000 diapers, to the National Diaper Bank Network for every purchase of Huggies diapers made at Walmart during the month of September.
We can help make a difference by doing something as simple as purchasing diapers!
If you have a little one in your life that needs diapers, I highly encourage you to purchase a box of Huggies from Walmart this month to help make an impact. Ever since Mila was born we have used Huggies diapers and love them. We tried out a few different brands, but Huggies was by far the brand we liked best and the brand that worked best for Mila. The Snug N’ Dry style worked really well for us, but lately we’ve been using the “Little Snugglers†and might even love those more! Mila LOVES Winnie the Pooh so the fact that he’s on the diaper makes them even better. I’m not kidding when I say she is obsessed with diapers lately and goes into her drawer to grab one to see Pooh all the time lol!
I hope you’ll join me by going to Walmart or this month to purchase a pack of Huggies diapers at Walmart in support of the diaper donation program and by visiting your local Walmart the weekend of 9/28-9/29 for a special in-store event!
Please share this post with any parents you know to help spread the word!
Thank you for reading and for supporting this cause!
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Photos by: Angie Garcia