Let’s Talk Collagen Powder…

So I have to be honest. I’m a little behind with the whole collagen powder thing. I’ve been hearing about it for at least a year or two but only started really using it a couple of months ago when NeoCell sent me some to try out. But better late than never, right?

NeoCell Collagen Powder

If you’re new to hearing about collagen powder, the main benefit is that it helps your skin elasticity which can inevitably make you feel and look younger (yes, please!). As we age, we produce less and less collagen which is why it is so important to do what we can to help!

I constantly feel like I am running from one thing to another and that there are never enough hours in the day. I get so run down especially this time of year when there seems to be an event going on every day and it takes such a toll on my skin! I am trying to remind myself if I truly want to feel good and look good, I have to be better to my body. I can put on all the face creams in the world but if I’m not doing basic things like getting enough rest, drinking enough water and feeding my body the nutrients it needs, I know I won’t look my best.

I have been incorporating NeoCell’s New Super Collagen Berry Lemon Powder into my daily routine by adding it to a glass of water. It is not a struggle to drink at all and I actually think it tastes really good! They also have a flavorless Super Collagen Powder that you can add to coffee or other beverages. If you really want to have fun with your NeoCell Collagen Powder you can make it into a cocktail! Just mix a little with water into a glass and add your alcohol of choice! It might sound crazy but I swear it’s a really good mixer and how nice to have some health benefits while you indulge a little, right?!

NeoCell has been around since 1998 and was the first collagen brand in the market! Their collagen powder has been clinically shown to increase skin hydration leading to firmer, softer skin. I am so glad I am making this part of my day and working on shining from the inside out!

Click here to try NeoCell’s Super Collagen Powder!

NeoCell Collagen Powder NeoCell Collagen Powder

Are you a fan of collagen powder? How do you incorporate it into your daily routine? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Thanks for reading!

The Fashion Hour Blog

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Thank you to NeoCell for sponsoring this post! As always opinions are my own!




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