Mila Shai is One!

I don’t even know where to begin. My baby girl is ONE. ONE! This day has been on my mind so much the last month and I have been experiencing ALL the emotions.

baby girl first birthday baby girl first birthday tutu

My Baby Girl is One

I think I’m still in disbelief that it’s really been a year. Everyone tells you time will fly by when you have a baby but you can’t fully understand it until it happens. Regardless of how quickly it feels the time has passed I can honestly say this has been the best year of my life. The pure joy Mila has brought into our lives fills my heart to a level I didn’t know it had. She truly makes every day amazing no matter what. This past year has not always been easy for me with trying to balance being a new mom, maintaining success in my day job and running The Fashion Hour. I’ve dealt with a lot of anxiety this past year and have found myself beyond overwhelmed too many times to count. But no matter how hard some days were, they were still filled with so much happiness because of her. Mila’s middle name “Shai” (pronounced like shy) means “gift” in Hebrew. She truly is our precious gift from God and I still feel so lucky to be her mom!

So much has happened over the last year. On one hand I feel like I’ve already forgotten what the sleepless newborn days were like and on the other I remember the day she was born so vividly like it was yesterday. I have made such a point over the last year to do my best to cherish every moment with her. To truly be present in the moment and appreciate that moment. We don’t know what the future holds and I want to make sure I never look back with regret. I am very lucky to have a husband that is extremely present and an unbelievable father to Mila. The experiences we’ve been able to share together this last year are what I imagine we’ll one day say were the “good old days”. I hope we never stop having these good days and never stop making these beautiful memories. Every day seems to get better with her and I can’t wait to continue seeing her little personality grow.

I hope one day she’ll know just how much we love her and how much our lives changed for the better when she was born.

Happy first birthday to my sweet little girl…

baby girl first birthday hot pink tutu baby girl first birthday hot pink tutu baby girl first birthday hot pink tutu baby girl first birthday hot pink tutu baby girl first birthday hot pink tutu baby girl first birthday hot pink tutu   baby girl first birthday hot pink tutu

Mila’s hot pink tutu dress is from I Love Plum and her flower headband is from Bailey’s Blossoms. The heart balloons are from Michaels and I found the gold one balloon at Target! Linking my outfit details below but let me know if you have any questions! By the way I had to share a couple of these crying photos with you… Mila is a happy baby 99% of the time but when we took these photos she had just started going through a leap (if you’re a new parent you may know what I’m talking about!). Basically she was just kind of cranky and not her usual self for a few days and the moments below were when Ita grabbed her little lamb from her and she clearly was not ready to let him go lol



crying baby Girl on her birthday crying baby Girl on her birthday crying baby Girl on her birthday

It was so out of the norm for her to be like that so we really couldn’t help but laugh. The poor thing just wanted to hold her stuffed animal (which we gave back to her about 2 seconds later). I guess it’s her birthday so she can cry if she wants to? 😉 But seriously, Mila’s crying in these photos is a pretty accurate representation of what I looked like off and on the last 2 weeks going through old photos and videos…

If you’re a parent, how did you handle your baby turning one?!

Thanks for reading!

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Photos by: Angie Garcia




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