Mila’s 11 Month Schedule

Wow, guys. Mila is 11 months old. As in one month away from turning ONE. How did this happen so fast?! I know everyone says time flies by but wow, it really has. I recently started planning for her 1st birthday party and it has brought on ALL the emotions. I’m planning on putting together a photo collage to hang up at her party and just looking at photos of her from the last year makes me tear up! I find myself laying in bed at night watching videos from when she was a few weeks old and for some reason it is so hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that almost a year has passed!

11 month schedule

I’m gonna guess it doesn’t get any easier. It seems like in life we either want time to go by really fast or we want it to stop or at least slow down to cherish certain moments. All I know is I’m trying to savor every second with her and I truly mean that. Every day with her is a blessing and I just feel so grateful to be her mom!

I thought I would share our current 11 month schedule with Mila. I have gotten asked quite a bit over the last few months what Mila’s schedule is and I feel terrible for not keeping y’all up to date (the last update I did was her 8 month)! Mila has been sleeping 11-12 hours straight every night for 6 months now so I am definitely a big believer in having some sort of routine in place and wanted to share her 11 month schedule with you.

Just to be clear, I believe every baby is different and what works for us and Mila may not work for you and your baby. I personally love getting advice and listening to different ways people parent and then take that information into account when deciding how our family is going to do things. So with that being said, if you have any parenting tips you’d like to share relating to routine and sleeping, please feel free to leave them in the comments so others can possibly benefit from them too! So much of motherhood is trial and error and doing what we believe is best for our babies so I’d love to hear your thoughts! 

Here is what Mila’s schedule has been for about the last two months… keep in mind the times are not always EXACT and it can vary from 30 minutes to an hour or so. We do not freak out if the schedule is “off”, we just do what we can to get it back on track. And if that doesn’t work out, you can always try again tomorrow. 🙂

11 month schedule 11 month baby schedule routine 11 month schedule 11 month baby schedule routine

Mila’s 11 month schedule

6:30-7:00 Wakes up and has 8 oz bottle (I make an 7-8 oz but she doesn’t always finish it)

7:00 Change diaper after she finishes eating then PLAY! (she usually goes on a walk with her daddy and Leo)

7:30 Breakfast

8:30 Goes down for first nap

10:30 Wakes up and has 8 oz bottle

10:45 Change diaper and PLAY!

11:30 Lunch

1:00 Goes down for second nap

2:30/3:00 Wakes up and has 8 oz bottle, change diaper, PLAY!

5:00 Dinner

5:30 She’s usually getting pretty tired at this point so we’ll take her on a walk

6:00 Bath

6:30 Last bottle

7:00 Night, night!

We have followed this routine since she was pretty little and just reduced the number of naps and increased the amount of wake time over time. The basic Babywise principle of wake up, eat, change diaper, play, sleep, repeat has worked amazing. I strongly believe babies WANT a routine and months ago when we implemented this I noticed an immediate difference in Mila. She seemed happier and just really seemed to thrive with the structure. We will put her down for a nap and she will close her eyes and fall asleep by the time we close the door. It is obviously not like this 100% of the time for various reasons but it is the majority.

I hope this post helped and PLEASE feel free to comment below with any questions you have! I am sure I left information out you may want to know so feel free to ask! Also if there are any other sleep or routine related posts you’d like me to do let me know in the comments as well! Here are a few more pictures of me and Mila just because… 🙂

11 month schedule 11 month baby schedule 11 month schedule 11 month baby schedule 11 month schedule 11 month baby schedule 11 month schedule 11 month baby schedule 11 month schedule 11 month baby schedule 11 month schedule 11 month baby schedule 11 month schedule 11 month baby schedule 11 month schedule 11 month baby schedule 11 month schedule 11 month baby schedule 11 month schedule 11 month baby schedule 11 month schedule 11 month baby schedule

My goal is to get several motherhood posts up before her first birthday (like hello, her nursery… can’t believe I still haven’t gotten that post up for you guys but I promise it’s coming soon!!)! Be sure to share this post with any mama or mama-to-be’s you know!

Thanks for reading!

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