I am so excited to finally share our baby registry with you and everything we plan to use again that we already had from Mila! When I started to make a list of everything we needed I immediately thought of how easy it was when we registered with Buy Buy Baby the first time and knew that’s what I wanted to do again. Because let me tell you, figuring out what you need for a baby can be a little overwhelming! I thought I would remember everything we would need since this is our second baby but I honestly feel like I forgot everything. Using the online registry guide at Buy Buy Baby and referencing what was on our list with Mila was a huge help and I’m breaking it all down below along with my top Buy Buy Baby registry items for baby AND YOU!

So where to begin? I find that’s always the hardest part so the best thing you can do is just start somewhere (pretty good advice for all aspects of life to be honest)! From bottles and bouncers to burp cloths and strollers, there are a million and one options out there. Everyone is different when it comes to style and price point but the good thing is Buy Buy Baby carries just about every baby brand you can think of! We had some items we wanted to spend a little more on and some where we went with the more basic affordable option… I always find reviews helpful and I love how their baby registry checklist breaks it down by category and makes it incredibly easy for you to make sure you are registered for everything you could possibly need!
Since I didn’t do a baby shower (personal decision due to COVID), I used this registry as more of a checklist for myself. It made it so much easier to stay organized and identify what I really needed to buy.
Here are the top items I plan on using for baby and MYSELF!
This had to be one of our most used items with Mila. It was so nice being able to set her down next to us anywhere in the house (couch, bed, etc.) and we also used it a lot when we went to my parents house and trips! We were always next to her when she was in it.
Pro tip: lay a light muslin blanket over the dockatot before you set your baby down that way if there is any spit up or accidents you don’t have to mess with unzipping and washing the cover every time! A changing pad liner underneath could work too!
Seriously. ALL THE BURP CLOTHS. If my memory serves me correctly we were using these things like crazy. We got to a point where we just strategically placed them throughout the house for easy access because we were always looking for one!
I highly recommend ordering a pack or two of these because it makes cleaning up messy diaper changes so much easier! This helps eliminate the need to wash the entire changing pad cover every time there’s a little mess. There are disposable ones but we use these washable ones to be a little bit more environmentally conscious and they’ve honestly held up so well.
I know not everyone uses a wipe warmer but I feel like it made a big difference with Mila having a warm wipe versus a cold one (especially with temperatures dropping soon!). Just having a nice dispenser is convenient as well.
You need somewhere to put those dirty wipes and diapers and we loved having a diaper pail to throw them out! We used this munchkin one with Mila but I just ordered the Ubbi one to try this time around! If you have any feedback on them feel free to let me know in the comments so others can see too!
We used this 4-in-1 high chair with Mila and it worked wonderful for us! This time around we are getting the Stokke one and I’m so excited for it! It works for multiple stages and I love the sleek look of it! I feel like it will match our decor and not stand out as much which I love.
We used the Uppababy Mesa Infant Car seat with Mila and loved it! We gave it to a friend when she outgrew it so for right now we’re going to use our Doona which is also a stroller! If you travel a lot or want something compact and easy to get around in, the Doona is amazing! We used it a ton with Mila.
Another item we plan to use is this swing. We didn’t put Mila in it right away but it eventually ended up being so helpful to calm her. The one we have goes forward and backwards as well as side to side. I think our exact one isn’t available anymore but this swing is the same brand and looks the same!
We’ll be using the Snoo again for her bassinet which has white noise but anytime she naps in other areas or we’re out somewhere (which let’s be real, will be pretty rare for a while) we will use this Sheep and this portable white noise machine! We used both with Mila. The on the go one was great for travel but we definitely used the Sheep a ton!
This is something we didn’t have with Mila but I knew I wanted to try this time. I’ve heard from so many moms who have said it gave them such piece of mind so I’m hoping it will do the same for us! If you’ve used it definitely let me know your thoughts!

While I know our minds naturally go to everything we need for baby, there are a few things you should get for yourself for after birth too! I actually had a very rough recovery (you can read about it here) and wish I had more knowledge going into it on what could help relieve some of my pain and discomfort.
Here are a few items I plan on using after the baby is born!
Frida Mom Kit – this kit seems like it has a little bit of everything that can help! Ice packs, witch hazel liners, disposable underwear, etc.!
If you end up breastfeeding I highly recommend getting some sort of support pillow! I used the Boppy with Mila and loved it but so many of you told me to try My Brestfriend! So I ordered that one to compare and will report back in a couple months! 🙂 I don’t think you can go wrong with either one but comment below if you have a preference!
I am so excited to use this pump! I have heard great things about it and hope it will allow me to get more done and feel more free to move around since it is a cordless, hands free pump. I don’t plan to use it right away but most likely will start a few weeks after we establish a good breastfeeding routine (fingers crossed). I have no idea how this time around will go and am going into it with zero expectations. I was very lucky with Mila that breastfeeding came very naturally and happened almost immediately after birth but I know that is not always the case. I do want to try my best to exclusively breastfeed for a while before pumping or using a bottle to avoid any sort of confusion for baby or create any oversupply of milk. I know some women need to pump right away if their baby is not taking to breastfeeding or they need to help encourage their supply to come in or if their baby is premature, etc. Definitely do what works best for you and your baby! Just remember the more you pump the more you’re telling your body to create more milk!
I didn’t have this with Mila but gosh I wish I did! I probably wasted a lot of milk while feeding her and am excited to see how it works this time around! If you’re not familiar with this product you basically suction it onto your other side while nursing and it catches any milk being let down so it doesn’t go to waste. Such a smart product!

What are some must-have items you used after baby? Let me know in the comments so you can help another mama out too!
If you have any questions about these products don’t hesitate to reach out or comment below. And don’t forget Buy Buy Baby has 20% off coupons often and when you set up your registry with them you’ll get 15% off any items that aren’t purchased!
Thanks for reading!

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Thank you to Buy Buy Baby for sponsoring this post. As always opinions are my own!
Photos by: Angie Garcia