Polka Dots Style

What a week, y’all! I feel like the work and to-do list keeps growing and I am struggling to get everything done that I need to before we leave for Israel in a few days! I’m not gonna lie, it’s been tough trying to do it all. “All” meaning do my full-time sales job, manage a business AKA this blog, create new content, oh and do that whole raise a child and be a wife thing, just to name a few. Don’t get me wrong, life is really good. But I’m a little tired ha. I’m not sure if Mila was having a growth spurt or going through a “leap” or who knows what but I had a few nights in a row where she was waking up every 1-2 hours. I think when we get back from Israel we are going to transition her to her crib. She takes all of her naps there but she still sleeps in the SNOO in our room at night.


Despite being tired a lot of the time, I had really been wanting to change things up with my blog photos and get a little bit more creative with the pictures I share here and on social media (mainly Instagram). Hopefully you like them but this polka dot outfit was especially fun to shoot mainly because food was involved. 🙂

polka dot style polka dot style

I love the Bishop Arts District and if you live in Dallas you may have seen this little Cuban stand called C. Señor. Pretty decent Cuban food and my Dad claims the Cuban burger is really good! I thought it would be fun to take photos in front of it with this fancy polka dot dress and incorporate some of their yucca fries. I know that probably sounds so gross to a lot of you but I swear if it’s prepared correctly yucca is really good!

Ok I’m getting sidetracked. The main thing I wanted to share with you is that if you don’t have a polka dot piece of clothing in your closet it is time to get one! I have always loved wearing polka dots (example A, example B, example C…) but for some reason polka dots seem to be everywhere right now. I rounded up several pieces ranging from crop tops to dresses at all different price points. This dress is sold out but if it comes back in stock and you buy it, I’d recommend some double-sided tape as well because I definitely needed some…

polka dot dress polka dot dress polka dot dress polka dot dress polka dot dress polka dot dress

Are you a fan of polka dots? Leave me a comment and let me know! Oh and if you have any advice on moving baby out of the room, I’m all ears. Praying it’s a smooth transition but I’ll take all the help I can get! 🙂

Thanks for reading!

dallas fashion blogger

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Photos by: Angie Garcia




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  1. 3.23.18
    thekontemporarygmailcom said:

    The dress is great and I really love the combination with the red ankle boots!

    • 4.5.18
      Natalie said:

      Thank you so much! I just love these boots and love wearing boots with dresses! 🙂