Secrets Cap Cana

We got back from our trip to Secrets Cap Cana in the Dominican Republic two weeks ago so it’s about time I tell you about it, don’t you think?

secrets cap cana

Before I dive into the details of the trip let me just say we almost didn’t go… I was having a very hard time with the thought of leaving Mila and started to have so much anxiety about it I thought I shouldn’t go. It is a very weird thing the first time you leave your child. You are with that person pretty much 24/7 (literally every second they’ve been alive) and then all of a sudden you’re supposed to be away from them for 5 days? Mmmm I don’t know if I can do this…

Clearly since I am writing this post on the trip you know I went. But I will say the night we dropped her off at my parents and Ita and I were laying her down to sleep for the night over there I broke down. It’s like it all of a sudden hit me that I was actually going to be away from her for an extended period of time. It’s a terrible feeling… Ita convinced me everything would be fine and he was right. She had a great time at my parents house and got to spend a lot of quality time with my brother since he was in town as well. My Mom stuck to the schedule I gave her (good job, Mom) and Mila didn’t cry once and slept through the night (12 hours!) every night. Don’t get me wrong, we face timed a lot and I may have texted my mom 20 times a day… but seeing how fine she was definitely helped put me at ease and allowed me to enjoy myself at the resort!

*Side note: I will share Mila’s schedule in an upcoming blog post!

Now for a recap of Secrets Cap Cana!


Once we landed in the Dominican Republic we took a 20 minute shuttle to Secrets Cap Cana. When we stepped onto the property we were greeted with champagne and the most beautiful open and airy resort. They have the most incredible light fixtures and lanterns dangling from the tall ceiling of the resort and once you walk all the way through you are greeted with the most incredible view!

The property is very big but not too big where you feel like it takes you an hour to walk from one side to the other. The pools sit a little higher off the beach so you always have the most amazing view of the ocean. I thought the pools were great and had tons of different areas to lay out. They would set up a volleyball net and basketball hoop for a little bit in the afternoon which was a lot of fun but if you’re not into that there are plenty of other areas to hang out in the pool.

secrets cap cana presidente beer secrets cap cana secrets cap cana secrets cap cana secrets cap cana


We were lucky enough to be on the top floor with a view of the pool and beach. The way the rooms are positioned it looked like every room had a great view! I loved the decor of the room – it had a very bohemian feel and I loved the colors. We were in the Junior Suite Ocean View which had a bed, seating area and bath tub on the balcony (I’m still mad at myself I never used it!). The bathroom is a great size and has a HUGE shower with two rain shower heads. The fridge was always stocked with water, soft drinks and Dominican water (Presidente beer).

oh hey vacay tee tropical print pajama pants     oh hey vacay tee secrets cap cana


The beach is not a super far walk from the rooms which I liked. There are tons of little tiki umbrellas to lay out under and beautiful palm trees everywhere. They have a sand volleyball court and set up soccer goals a couple of times while we were there. You can rent kayaks, a surf board to do SUP, snorkel gear, etc. right there on the beach as well. The sand is beautiful and not rocky at all. The water is turquoise and you can walk out forever and still only be waist deep. The only bummer was that there was a lot of kelp at the shore. I don’t know if this is a normal thing or if it was just while we were there. It’s not the kind of seaweed you’d get tangled in or anything but you do have to go through it to get to the perfect turquoise water. They had a tractor cleaning it up almost every day we were there so that was good they tried to clear it out for us!

secrets cap cana beach  secrets cap cana secrets cap cana beach Pina colada Dominican Republic 


Food is very important to me on trips. Ita claims he could care less (I think he cares a little bit…) but I definitely care a lot about having good food whether that’s a nice meal at dinner or just snacks on the beach. I wasn’t blown away with the food here but it was still good. You can’t go wrong with the breakfast buffet (why are the omelettes always so good?) and we enjoyed the Seafood restaurant and the French restaurant (we didn’t have the chance to try the others since I had two work dinners but one of the staff members said those were the best!). There’s 24/7 room service and a 24/7 coffee shop as well. I think the breakfast buffet was my favorite – so much to choose from and I loved all of the fresh juices (which I added champagne to every morning…).

secrets cap cana resort Dominican republic secrets cap cana resort Dominican republic secrets cap cana resort Dominican republic secrets cap cana resort Dominican republic


The spa is beautiful and has its own pools you can relax in after your massage or facial. There’s also a sauna and steam room and a few outdoor showers for a full experience. I got a massage and while it was good, it wasn’t the best. I was actually in a bit of pain and hurting a little after lol. What’s funny is Ita said his massage was the best one he had ever had… another person on the trip said that as well! I think maybe the girl that did mine was new ha. Not trying to sound like a snob at all because I am very grateful for the massage I just want to always be completely honest with you so you know what you may expect!


The staff at Secrets Cap Cana is amazing. Everyone was so friendly and wanted to make sure you were having the best time. Whether that was reffing your sand volleyball game, waiting on you for dinner or serving drinks at the club (yes there is a club!), everyone was so nice. There are so many activities that go on each day from free fitness classes to pool activities to themed evening parties to poker… there was a lot to choose from but it never felt overwhelming. If you wanted to just sit on the beach all day it’s not like those activities bothered you in any way which I liked (I like to play volleyball and do SUP but I also like laying out and drinking rosé…).

Overall it is a beautiful resort that I would definitely recommend staying at! Leave a comment below if you have any questions at all!

Thanks for reading!

The Fashion Hour Blog

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  1. 3.9.20
    Kathy Byrne said:

    Hi Natalie! We are looking to book this resort. I was wondering if the side of the pool you were on got the most sun? I am looking to book a swim out and was wondering which side of the main pool will get the most sun. We stayed at the Excellence Resort last year and our room got more shade which also kept our pool kinda cool.

    Thanks! Kathy Byrne

    • 4.1.20
      Natalie said:

      Hi! I assume your trip is delayed but I honestly can’t remember!! I think if you’re looking towards the beach we were on the left side of the pool. Everywhere seemed nice but it’s been a few years since we visited. Hope you’re able to visit soon <3