Top 14 Products I’ve Used as a New Mom (Newborn-6 Months)

Well I’ve had this post sitting in my drafts about 70% complete for a few months now so it’s about time I publish it! I am finally sharing my top products I’ve used as a new mom! I am so sorry it took me so long to get this up but hopefully it will be able to help some new moms or soon-to-be moms! Please know this is what worked for us. Every mom and baby is different and I definitely encourage you to do research on everything you buy and use for your baby! If you have a favorite item that’s not on the list, leave it in the comments so you can help out other moms out there! Just to be clear these are the main products we used the first few months. I plan on having another post go up with everything we’ve been loving once she was out of the newborn stage so stay tuned for that!

top products for a new mom

Here are my top 14 products I’ve used as a new mom…


Other than diapers this has to be our most-used baby product. I had heard so many wonderful things about DockATot (which was a relatively new baby product) but knew I wanted to give it a try. We used the DockATot for all of Mila’s naps for the first few months of her life and anytime we were hanging out around the house. It is so convenient because you can lay it on the couch next to you, take it with you on a trip… you can use it basically anywhere. We would lay her in there anytime she was sleepy and she always went right to sleep (most of the time at least). 🙂 We took it with us to Israel as well which was so nice to have but mainly used it at home on the couch. It is definitely a pricier product but I personally think well worth it because we used it SO much. I think the DockATot and SNOO are big reasons why she slept so well. I linked a few options below – be sure to pay attention when ordering because they have two sizes and also sell covers.

*Also note that although a lot of people use it for sleeping, DockATot is meant to be a baby “lounger” and not used as a bassinet. Anytime Mila was in the DockATot napping we were in the room. We never experienced any issues or safety concerns with it and once she started becoming more mobile (trying to roll over, etc.), we stopped using it for naps. While I do recommend this product I just want to make sure you take the time to read their website of how it is supposed to be used!

Changing Pad Liners

Get you some changing pad liners. As you probably already know, babies poop and pee A LOT. It is inevitable a mess will be made at some point. I can’t even tell you how many times we cleaned up explosions in the nursery (I still don’t understand how something so small can produce something so big). Having liners on top of your changing pad will help protect the mattress cover and they are so much easier to throw in the wash.

Nursing Pads

If you are breastfeeding I would highly recommend buying some nursing pads. The last thing you want is to be out in public and realize you have milk leaking through your shirt… I promise, it’s embarrassing… even if you’re at home, who wants to deal with changing your shirt or taking a shower all the time? Who even has time to take a shower that first month or two? There are reusable nursing pads and disposable pads. I used the disposable ones and thought the Medela and Lanolin ones worked great. If you’ve used the reusable ones I’d love to get your feedback on them in the comments below!

Skip Hop

We used this Skip Hop activity gym almost daily as well. It is a great little area to do tummy time and also let them hang out on their back and play. We kept it in the living room and hung out on it all the time.


This is by far the priciest product of the bunch but after all it is the “safest” crib out there. I think most parents are pretty desperate when it comes to getting their baby to sleep at night and this is one crib that will definitely help with that. If you’re not familiar with SNOO, it was created by the doctor behind the book “The Happiest Baby on the Block” which I recommend reading. This crib gently moves side to side and plays white noise but will get stronger as baby cries. I never let it get to the strongest rocking part (you can adjust in settings) especially when she was very little but I do believe the SNOO is part of the reason she was able to self soothe so early on. This by no means replaces picking up your baby when he or she cries and needs to eat, etc. but as time goes on you will realize that your baby may wake herself up and be startled but not necessarily hungry or needing a diaper change. The SNOO helps get them back to sleep and I also believe keeps them sleeping longer. I know everyone does things differently but I made sure to wake Mila up and feed her every 3-4 hours in the beginning per our doctor’s recommendation. I know she could have slept longer sometimes those first two weeks (trust me I wanted the sleep too) but I also know how important it is that they are receiving enough food and nutrition in the beginning. I could probably write an entire blog post about how we handled sleeping and sleep training with Mila… she was able to fall asleep on her own without needing to be rocked or nursed to sleep very early… let me know if you would like to read about that!

Zip onesie pajamas

If I could go back in time I would only do the zip pajamas. It’s just so much easier. It may seem like a small thing but it really makes such a big difference when you’re changing diapers every two seconds.

Lamb Sound Machine

We used this little lamb sound machine when Mila napped the first few months. It’s nice because it has a few different sounds it plays. It automatically shuts off after 30-45 minutes so we now use a sound machine app called Guva. We put an old iPad in her room so she can have the sound machine on all night (we make sure the wifi is off and data is off). We didn’t start using this app until she moved into her room because the SNOO had its own white noise it played.

Nursing Bra (comfortable one!)

A comfortable nursing bra with easy access is so important. I wore a lot of nursing tanks too because sometimes I just didn’t want to feel that extra restriction. I’m sure depending on your size you may need the extra support so just be sure to get one you can easily unclasp, etc. because there is nothing worse than being so exhausted with a crying baby and not able to get your boob out quick enough!

Burp Cloths

If you’re almost due, go ahead and place these strategically throughout your house. I cannot tell you how many times we were looking for a burp cloth in the beginning. We never seemed to have one handy but we quickly learned to just place them in every room, set one on the couch, have a couple in the bedroom, etc. you never know when you’ll need one!

Boobie Cream

If you are breastfeeding you need to buy some sort of boobie cream. Not to gross you out but your nipples will become raw and you do not want them to crack. OUCH. I would apply some every time after you nurse.

Good Bottles

We rarely used bottles the first few months since I was breastfeeding and rarely pumping but once we did incorporate bottles, she loved the Chicco’s Natural Fit bottle. We used that for a while and now we use bottles from Como Tomo.

Love to Dream zip

Mila loved to sleep with her arms up so I felt like this sleep sack was perfect for her. It’s so easy to put on and they have that slightly secure feeling without being completely swaddled or completely free. Note: we swaddled her in the beginning with blankets and then she was in the SNOO at night. We introduced this 2-3 months in I think. I have also heard the Halo sleep sack is awesome so I linked that too!

UppaBaby Car Seat

While you probably won’t be getting out much the first 1-2 months of baby being born (at least we didn’t – I had a rough recovery and cold weather + flu season meant we were extra cautious!), it’s important to have a good car seat. We love our UppaBaby carseat and wish we would have gotten the whole UppaBaby VISTA travel system. It’s a great stroller and the carseat fits into it. We also have a Maxi-Cosi carseat which worked great as well, I just prefer the Uppababy one. It seemed easier to get her in and out of. When/if we have another baby, I would love to try the Doona! I heard it’s amazing because it’s a carseat and stroller all in one and not big and bulky at all!

Baby Carrier

I loved sticking Mila in a baby carrier and wearing her around. I really don’t feel like I did it enough. My favorite carrier is by Studio Romeo and it’s two pieces of fabric you wear (very easy) and I also loved the Solly baby wrap. There are so many great ones out there though so definitely try a couple to see what’s most comfortable for you!

2 things I wish I used…

I was gifted a Belly Bandit shortly after I had Mila and it was a little small for me so I didn’t wear it right away. After a couple of months I tried wearing it every now and then but honestly wish I would have made an effort to wear it more. They are supposed to help slim and support your belly, waist and hips post-pregnancy so I think I will definitely wear one next time around (if there is a next time of course). 

I wish I would have bought an Owlet sock for Mila. This is the little sock that wraps around your baby’s foot that tracks heart rate, oxygen levels and sleep. I feel like it would have given me more peace of mind once I moved Mila into her room!

There are so many great baby products out there today so it’s hard to go wrong! Definitely let me know what your most-used baby product was in the comments below! I would love to know for the future and I’m sure other moms reading will appreciate it!! 

Stay tuned for our favorite products as of late (can’t believe she’s almost one) and a look into Mila’s nursery!

Thanks for reading!

dallas fashion blogger

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