#Bumplife: Gender Reveal!

Eek! We found out what we’re having! We found out a few weeks ago actually… I’m a little over 22 weeks pregnant (what? That’s like over half way, people!) and we found out I think around 17 or 18 weeks.

gender reveal idea gelato gender reveal

Quick story: We weren’t planning on finding out what we’re having until the 20-week sonogram. Our doctor offers an *optional* 16 week “gender reveal” sonogram that is not covered by insurance but we were like, “oh no, we don’t need that. What’s a few more weeks. We can totally wait…” or so I thought. 17 weeks was around the time I was beginning to feel better. I wasn’t waking up nauseated or feeling extremely tired anymore. I was feeling energized and motivated to get things done. As ashamed as I am to say, the thought of not knowing what we were having was starting to drive me crazy. Like real cray. I HAD TO KNOW and definitely could not wait 3 more weeks. So, I called Ita, told him about my craziness and booked a sonogram for us the next morning (he didn’t mind – I think he secretly wanted to know just as bad as I did).

gender reveal partygender reveal idea

Thinking about having a family growing up I always pictured having a boy first and then a girl. Probably because that’s how my family is. I have a brother who is six years older than me along with two half-brothers who are about 15 years older than me. But once I found out I was pregnant I was surprised with how much I truly did not care if we were having a boy or a girl. I just pray our baby is healthy and happy. About a month or two into my pregnancy I realized that when I thought about the baby, I visualized a little girl. I don’t know why. I just did. And it was really weird to me because in my mind I thought I would be hoping for a boy. But for whatever reason I just kept picturing a little girl. When people would tell me they “knew” what they were having or thought it “felt” like a boy or a girl, I didn’t really believe them. Because I mean how can you really know?

ice cream gender reveal gelato gender reveal

Well, whether I truly knew or it just so happened to be coincidental (it’s a 50/50 after all), I WAS RIGHT! Yes, we are having a GIRL!!!! We are so excited and just so happy. It’s crazy how once you know what you’re having it all of a sudden makes it that much more real. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s just a really great feeling.

pink gelato gender reveal

My mom made a cake for us with pink m&m’s in the middle to cut during a family BBQ a few weekends ago. It was a very low-key surprise gender reveal sort of thing (I didn’t want to make too big of deal out of it). I didn’t get any pictures so I thought it would be cute to take some photos with pink and blue gelato. ? We took these gender reveal photos while in Laguna Beach and the gelato started melting immediately! There are tons of ways to be creative with a gender reveal! I think my favorite thing was at the BBQ my mom had a bowl of regular m&m’s and peanut m&m’s and the signs read, “nuts” or “no nuts”. I thought it was pretty funny. I also saw these cups online (that we didn’t use) that said “I’m here for the sex”. I couldn’t stop laughing… did you do a gender reveal? What do you think of gender reveal parties?

gelato gender reveal gelato gender reveal

It is taking every ounce of me NOT to go out and buy clothes… I may or may not have bought a couple of things (JUST A COUPLE!) but I’m going to try really hard to wait until it gets closer to October. We have so much to do and have not started on any of it. Like nothing. I’m not sure if there’s a key time to start preparing a nursery or buying the necessary items for a baby, but so far we’ve got nothing. This is partly because Ita comes from a culture where you wait until the baby is born before you buy anything for them… although those are more “old school” superstitions and a lot of people today do prepare for the baby prior. I’ll talk more about that later but I would LOVE to hear when you started buying items for your baby or preparing the nursery. How many weeks along were you when you had your baby shower? Or did you have one at all?! Leave me a comment and let me know! I love hearing from you!


I’ll have several new posts up over the next week so be sure to visit soon!

Thank you for reading!


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  1. 6.14.17
    Christina Beauchamp said:

    You are going to be the sweetest Mom on the planet! That sweet little girl is one lucky baby!! I can’t wait to meet her!! So happy for you and Ita!!!


  2. 6.15.17
    Amanda said:

    Congratulations, so exciting! I had my baby shower 6 weeks before our baby was due. I started buying things for his nursery 3 months before he was here.

    Amanda || http://www.fortheloveofglitter.com

  3. 6.15.17
    Stephanie said:

    Congratulations! How exciting! We are due October 14th!!! We cut into a cake for our gender reveal and I had a feeling it was a boy because I have 1 older brother and then 1 older sister. I truly did not care which we would have first but once we cut into the cake and saw it was PINK I immediately starting crying and was so happy! My family is throwing me a shower at the end of July so it’s been fun registering for all our baby needs! Congrats, again!

  4. 6.15.17

    So cute! Congratulations! She’s going to be such a stylish little girl! 🙂

    Pink Champagne Problems

  5. 6.15.17

    Congrats Natalie!! Oh my gosh I am SO excited for you! Can’t wait to meet her!

  6. 6.15.17
    Kileen said:

    This is so exciting!! Can’t wait to hear more about your baby girl!

    cute & little