Twist Sweater Dress + 38 Week Bumpdate

I’m sitting here on my couch writing this post after what has been a pretty busy and productive weekend checking things off the baby to-do list. La La Land is on in the background and this movie still gives me all the feels – I’m watching the scene towards the end of the movie that is basically the “what could have happened” part and I literally get chills the entire time… what is wrong with me?! Anyone else? Ita and I have the soundtrack on a record and play it in the house when we’re cleaning sometimes. It’s nice. 🙂 Anyway! I wanted to make sure I got this outfit up before this twist sweater dress sold out (and the fact that I took these photos a month ago…).

free people twist sweater dress free people twist sweater dress

This twist sweater dress is made of a ribbed knit and has a mock neck (my favorite). The twist down the middle is a pop of chartreuse cable knit and I think it is so fun and unexpected. If chartreuse isn’t your thing, it also comes in a beautiful cream and deep fuchsia color that I really love! It’s an oversized fit so definitely bump-friendly!


I paired the dress with my black over the knee boots (identical ones here) but I think it could also look really cute with a pair of white pumps or booties! I’m wearing the coolest ring my friend Tamar created. She is an extremely talented artist whose work has literally been in exhibits around the world not to mention worn on the runway during New York Fashion Week (she’s amazing). You can see her work here!

free people twist sweater dress free people twist sweater dress free people twist sweater dress free people twist sweater dress


Like I mentioned we checked a few things off the baby to-do list like putting up the wallpaper (it was actually a lot more difficult than we anticipated… more on that in a future post), installing the blinds (thanks Dad!), washing all of the clothes and blankets, Ita put together our swing and SNOO, and just lots of other little things. The nursery actually looks like a nursery now and it’s starting to sink in that my due date is only a week away. I’m still working and have a lot to get done (gosh am I always saying that? So much to do all the time!). I’m trying to tell myself that I HAVE to get everything done by tomorrow – for all I know I could go into labor at any moment! With that being said, if you’ve had a baby, did you have a feeling you were going into labor? I mean other than full-blown contractions or your water breaking… was anything different those 24 hours leading up to being in labor? Let me know!

I go back to the doctor on Tuesday for my 39 week appointment. Hopefully I’ll have more updates soon! Hope you had a great weekend!

free people twist sweater dress free people twist sweater dress free people twist sweater dress free people twist sweater dress free people twist sweater dress free people twist sweater dress free people twist sweater dress free people twist sweater dress

Thanks for reading!




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  1. 10.8.17
    Nicole said:

    I’m not a mama, but I am a labor nurse! From working with new laboring moms, most comment that they either didn’t know it was coming or said they were crampier than they had been over their pregnancy! You’ll be great, and more than that, you will know when it’s the real deal. Trust your gut, mama!

    • 10.8.17
      Natalie said:

      Omg you are the best!! What an incredible job you have. I can only imagine how intense and exciting it would be working as a labor nurse! Thank you so much for the info and if you have any other advice feel free to send it my way – I’m sure you’ve seen it all being a labor nurse!

  2. 10.8.17
    Summer said:

    The evening before I went into labor, my body cleaned itself out. I went to bed at 10, and woke up at 1 a.m. with contractions. I had a really long labor, but everyone is different. It’s easy to worry, and I can’t even tell you how many posts and forums I read; but when the time comes, you’ll know, and you’ve totally got this!

    • 10.9.17
      Natalie said:

      I have heard that can happen! It is so crazy to me to think you can just wake up out of nowhere and it be “go time”! I guess when you know you know! I feel like most people I talk to said their first baby was a very long labor so I am going into it with the mindset that it will not be quick lol. Thank you for the encouragement!! <3

  3. 10.9.17
    Becca said:

    This may be TMI but both times before I went into labor my body “cleansed” itself. The toilet was my best friend the day before I had my babies. I also went into a weird cleaning mode where everything had to be clean and in its place. I even made my husband lift all the couches and chairs so I could vacuum underneath. I would say the biggest sign though was the first thing I’ve mentioned. Don’t worry though, you’ll do great!

    • 10.9.17
      Natalie said:

      Not TMI at all and I have heard that from a few people!! It makes sense so I will definitely be paying attention to that! And I have also heard the intense cleaning or “nesting” can kick in a day or two before. I’ve been feeling like I’m nesting but haven’t gone into full blown crazy mode yet so we’ll see lol thank you for the encouragement! <3

  4. 10.9.17
    Rachel said:

    Every weekend in the last month the house has to be cleaned for me. I thought he could come at any time – and I needed to be ready. But little did I know I needed to sit back and enjoy the ride … mine like to take their time and cook extra. Water broke both times. Nothing consistent led up to it except frustration – Basically when you give up and get ready to throw in the towel, baby will probably be coming!. I concur that you might have a natural cleanse. 😉 you’ll do amazing. Try not to have strict expectations and use your nurses as a resource. If you’re not happy with something – voice it. Ask for help and let your man be your helpmate! She’ll be here before you know it!

    • 10.15.17
      Natalie said:

      That is so funny! I have been pretty crazy about the house being clean the last month but this past week I haven’t been lol so weird since my due date is tomorrow! That’s amazing your water broke. I’ve heard that only happens to a small percentage of women on their own! I will def take your advice to voice my opinions and have Ita help me!

  5. 10.9.17
    Linds said:

    The Wednesday before I went into labor (started Sunday night) I lost part of my mucus plug. I was in total denial that this was a sign. Then Sunday during the day I went crazy with cleaning, my husband actually found me inside the dish washer cleaning it out ha ha!!

  6. 10.9.17
    Anonymous said:

    I was induced so I can’t help with labor signs but the epidural helped. For me, it did not work fully (due to the induction meds) but I can’t imagine how much more it would hurt without it!